Wednesday, June 29, 2011


It's been a tough couple weeks. Seems like we are just always on the go and it is just easier to eat bad. It has to stop though. I need to do this and I WILL do it. A good friend is giving me a home gym and wants to start working out. My friend, Jared, also wants to help me work out but I have not exactly been jumping at the opportunity. Like I've said before, this is just going to have to be a complete lifestyle change. I will get healthy for myself and my family.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First Weigh In

So I just got home from my Wednesday morning Weight Watcher meeting where I weighed in for the first time since I started this journey. I weighed in at 388.0 which is down a total of 8.5 lbs in 10 days. Not too bad since I really haven't started the activity part of this process. I will be starting up my workouts today though and hopefully will quickly become an everyday occurrence or at least close to it. I have had a couple friends offer to work out with me and will be taking them up on those offers. Changing bad habits is difficult but I am slowly getting there.

Thanks again everyone for your incredible support. It means the world!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

One week in...

So I have been on this journey for 7 days now and am doing pretty well so far. I am eating healthy and actually enjoying it. I am a snack-aholic and definitely still get the cravings just to snack on SOMETHING! The only thing I am really snacking on though is fruit. Fresh cut pineapple has become my new best friend. I cannot get enough of it. Also mixing in a bunch of other fruits too though - strawberries, blueberries, cantalope, watermelon (though that is mostly for the pregnant lady of the house), grapes and really what ever fruit I can get my hands on. Still working on getting more veggies in but it is slowly getting there. The next big step will be getting into a regular exercise routine. There are just not enough hours in the day. I think I am going to have to start getting up early and going to the gym first (those of you that know me, know how dedicated I will have to be to get up early. I am NOT a morning person). Evenings are just too crazy though and lets face it, after work I don't want to do anything! No more excuses though, its time to put up or shut up.

Have not weighed in again yet. I have decided to attend the WW meetings on Wednesday mornings since I am off on Wednesdays. So I will have an update on whether I've lost anything yet this coming Wednesday sometime. Thanks again everyone for all the encouragement I've received already. It's awesome having so many friends that care. Will update again soon!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

So here we go...again

If you are reading this, let me just say thank you in advance for your support. I definitely need it. I have always struggled with being overweight. I've tried all types of diets in the past that have for the most part kept me yoyo-ing from very obese to somewhat obese and then back again. I am tired of it! I am tired of it affecting what I can and cannot do with my wife and kids, I am tired of it affecting my education (long story that will have to be explained in another post), I am tired of affecting how I see myself and most of all I am tired of it affecting my future. It is time to finally step up and complete this journey once and for all! I am finally in a place where I feel like I have the support I need around me to help me get where I need to go. So please feel free to follow along and see how this goes. Like I said I will need all the help and encouragement I can get. My other hope as I get going is that maybe I will get to encourage and inspire those who have been struggling with the same issue.

So I attended a Weight Watchers meeting today. I've been paying for WW since January of 2010 and was doing good at first but slowly started making excuses and let things get in the way. Today's meeting was the first I've attended in at least 7 to 8 months. I am now almost all the way back to my highest weight ever. I weighed in today at 396.5, just 7 pounds away from where I was in January of 2010. So now I start the journey in the other direction so that I can be here for my family for a long time and so that I can also finally finish my degree and do so many other things that I've been wanting to do. I am going to post a pic of myself from today and will continue to do so periodically so that hopefully we can actually SEE a difference as I go along. My ultimate goal is to hit 199 lbs. I want to maintain around 215 eventually but want to see 199 again one time. That's the long term goal. I will also set some short term goals to keep me motivated throughout this journey. I will share them when I have them set. One thing I will put down in writing is that when I hit that 199 mark, I will go and jump out of a perfectly good airplane!

Thanks again for all the love and support! I know it won't be easy, but I am ready so bring it on!